Prayer Letter June 2024

Prayer Letter June 2024 Dear Prayer Partners: They came to Caper­naum. When Jesus was in the house He asked them, “What were you arguing about on the road?” But they kept quiet because they had argued about who was the greatest. Sitting down Jesus called the Twelve and said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be […]
HomePrayer Letter June 2024

Prayer Letter June 2024

Dear Prayer Partners:

They came to Caper­naum. When Jesus was in the house He asked them, “What were you arguing about on the road?” But they kept quiet because they had argued about who was the greatest.

Sitting down Jesus called the Twelve and said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last and servant of all.”

He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking the child in His arms He said to the them, “Whoever wel­comes one of these little chil­dren in my name wel­comes me; and whoever wel­comes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”

–Mark 9:33–36

This week we are cel­e­brat­ing National Vol­un­teer Week. It is a week when we give thanks to all the people who give of them­selves without pay to serve their com­mu­nity or orga­ni­za­tion. In the words of Jesus, they become ser­vants offer­ing their various skills so as to build a better life for people.

Ohfi is so depen­dent upon vol­un­teers. They make up the fabric of our orga­ni­za­tion so that we can provide a service to impov­er­ished and vul­ner­a­ble chil­dren and fam­i­lies over­seas. Without our vol­un­teers, our work would not be.

It is then with heart­felt grat­i­tude that we thank our prayer part­ners, spon­sors, fundrais­ers, doc­u­ment writers, board members, country group members, train­ers, account keepers, social workers, policy writers, advi­sors, organisers/leaders of over­seas training/visitors groups, web site, and social media design­ers and publicity.

We pray God blesses all our vol­un­teers with a sense of ful­fill­ment as they serve the vision of Ohfi. In working for the benefit of poor and vul­ner­a­ble chil­dren may they expe­ri­ence in a won­der­ful way the pres­ence of God in their lives as Jesus promised in the scrip­ture above.

Thanks giving.

Very recently two of our vol­un­teers, Carmel Hurdle and Kim Ostern, led a group of people to visit the min­istry of Ohfi in Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia. Carmel and Kim are cur­rently final­is­ing reports on their visits but they speak pos­i­tively about their expe­ri­ences, and the good out­comes they observed from the Ohfi projects ben­e­fit­ting chil­dren, young people, and their fam­i­lies. They also speak pos­i­tively of the inter­est, involve­ment, and aware­ness gaining of the group members who trav­eLled with them. We thank God for Carmel and Kim and for those who trav­elled with them. Their servant hearts have brought great bless­ings to the people of Africa.

Click Here to See The Full Letter

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