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Centre of Hope – Mozambique, Africa
The Centre of Hope is in Gaza and Inhambane provinces. The centre will provide a home for 216 orphans in twelve age-specific houses with house parents, and the aim is to be finished by 2024. There will also be a children’s centre for local families, a trade school, agricultural and farming classes, a medical clinic for the wider community, and gardens to feed the orphaned children and the local community. 26 children are already homed in two houses, and a number of successful crops have been produced.

Maisha, Uganda
Maisha is a Ugandan word that means Life. Working in Ssanga in Uganda, this organisation walks alongside children and youth so that they can achieve their full potential. Maisha cares for orphans and vulnerable children, provides education and health care, and invests in holistic community development and family-strengthening in order to give children hope and a future.

The Family Centre — Romania
Centrul Pentru Familie (Family Centre) was developed in 2002 by Margie Vincent from New Zealand. The Family Centre was established to prevent the abandonment of babies and children into State orphanages. The Family Centre provides a Day Care Centre for babies up to six-year-olds. It also offers social work support, parenting education, a mother’s support group, cooking classes, and material assistance.

YWAM Cabo — Mexico
The Roberts family from Tauranga were called to Cabo in Mexico. They have set up a retreat to care for the carers, and provide respite and refreshing for missionaries. This is a very new project, but Cabo is an area of great destitution for many children, and in time OHFI will work with these partners to provide community training modules in the care and protection of vulnerable children.