Our Associate Partners

We also form asso­ciate part­ner­ships with organ­i­sa­tions who share our com­mit­ment to the care and pro­tec­tion of vul­ner­a­ble chil­dren. While remain­ing inde­pen­dent, we support each other’s work. This looks like sharing ideas, infor­ma­tion and resources; pro­vid­ing train­ing; and praying for each other.

HomeOur Part­nersOur Asso­ciate Partners

Centre of Hope – Mozambique, Africa

The Centre of Hope is in Gaza and Inham­bane provinces.  The centre will provide a home for 216 orphans in twelve age-spe­cific houses with house parents, and the aim is to be fin­ished by 2024. There will also be a children’s centre for local fam­i­lies, a trade school, agri­cul­tural and farming classes, a medical clinic for the wider com­mu­nity, and gardens to feed the orphaned chil­dren and the local com­mu­nity. 26 chil­dren are already homed in two houses, and a number of suc­cess­ful crops have been produced.

Maisha, Uganda

Maisha is a Ugandan word that means Life. Working in Ssanga in Uganda, this organ­i­sa­tion walks along­side chil­dren and youth so that they can achieve their full poten­tial. Maisha cares for orphans and vul­ner­a­ble chil­dren, pro­vides edu­ca­tion and health care, and invests in holis­tic com­mu­nity devel­op­ment and family-strength­en­ing in order to give chil­dren hope and a future.

The Family Centre — Romania

Centrul Pentru Familie (Family Centre) was devel­oped in 2002 by Margie Vincent from New Zealand. The Family Centre was estab­lished to prevent the aban­don­ment of babies and chil­dren into State orphan­ages. The Family Centre pro­vides a Day Care Centre for babies up to six-year-olds. It also offers social work support, par­ent­ing edu­ca­tion, a mother’s support group, cooking classes, and mate­r­ial assistance.

YWAM Cabo — Mexico

The Roberts family from Tau­ranga were called to Cabo in Mexico. They have set up a retreat to care for the carers, and provide respite and refresh­ing for mis­sion­ar­ies. This is a very new project, but Cabo is an area of great des­ti­tu­tion for many chil­dren, and in time OHFI will work with these part­ners to provide com­mu­nity train­ing modules in the care and pro­tec­tion of vul­ner­a­ble children.