OHFI in Manipur, North-East India

Manipur was where OHFI’s work first began, in 1991, when there was a des­per­ate need for com­mu­nity train­ing and support.

HomeOur Part­nersOHFI in Manipur, North-East India

The work in Manipur first emerged out of a request from our Manipur Directors, Pastor Athang Touthang and Mariam Touthang for training in the care and protection of vulnerable children, and assistance in helping families break out of a cycle of poverty and ignorance.

Manipur has a recent history of tribal and polit­i­cal con­flicts. There are many iso­lated and hard to reach com­mu­ni­ties in the rural areas.

Through OHFI North-East India, we support:

  • Com­mu­nity empow­er­ment and sus­tain­abil­ity programmes.
  • Social work support for vul­ner­a­ble children.
  • Train­ing in the care and pro­tec­tion of children.
  • Edu­ca­tional oppor­tu­ni­ties for children.
  • Adult edu­ca­tion in life and work skills.
  • Micro-enter­prise development.
  • Health clinics, preg­nancy care, and under 5’s health care in iso­lated hill villages.
  • The pro­vi­sion of water tanks and piping.
  • The build­ing of a primary school in Wal­pa­bung village.
  • The build­ing and devel­op­ment of PMA College in Kang­pokpi to provide primary and sec­ondary education.
  • Pro­vi­sion of board­ing facil­i­ties so chil­dren from remote areas can attend school.
  • Food secu­rity projects, includ­ing the devel­op­ment of fish farms and orchards.
  • Pro­tec­tion of chil­dren from exploita­tion, child labour, traf­fick­ing ‚and child marriages.
  • Covid-19 relief (food and hygiene packs).
Current Projects:

Walpabung Drinking Water Project

The remote village of Wal­pa­bung is a two hour walk from the nearest road.  OHFI has had a long asso­ci­a­tion with the Wal­pa­bung com­mu­nity, includ­ing build­ing a school, sup­port­ing the vil­lagers to grow crops, and pro­vid­ing medical clinics and social work care.
More than ten years ago, OHFI donors funded the con­struc­tion of a piped water con­nec­tion from the neigh­bour­ing hills back to the village, to provide access to water during the dry season between January and May. This changed life in the village. People no longer had the arduous 2km trek across rough and hilly terrain to the river to collect water. Hygiene and san­i­ta­tion stan­dards increased, leading to a dra­matic reduc­tion in ill­nesses, par­tic­u­larly amongst chil­dren and the elderly. Nutri­tion improved as veg­eta­bles could be watered and grown through the season.
The orig­i­nal water tank is now crum­bling, and has an insuf­fi­cient capac­ity of about 5000 litres. There is an urgent need to install a new tank.

Library Books and Resources

There is approx­i­mately one book per five chil­dren in the PMA College library, and there are even fewer books avail­able to the primary and pre-school chil­dren in Wal­pa­bung and the other vil­lages. We want to provide a range of picture books, early readers, chapter books, jour­nals, fiction and non-fiction to encour­age the children’s lit­er­acy, English lan­guage, and general knowledge.

Medical Clinic

Our mobile medical clinic is the only medical care avail­able to most of the people living in the ten hill vil­lages it visits on a monthly basis. The preg­nancy care, under 5’s pro­grammes, and child-focused clinics, along with vac­ci­na­tions and general health care for all com­mu­nity members, have had a tan­gi­ble impact on health and well­be­ing. The medic is able to access many of the vil­lages on the motor­bike we were able to provide.



Give to OHFI work in Manipur north east India

Your dona­tion to OHFI’s work in North-East India is deeply appre­ci­ated. Our work spans: Wal­pa­bung Drink­ing Water Project, in which your dona­tion can help support a new water tank for this com­mu­nity; Wal­pa­bung Library Books and Resources, in which your dona­tion can help stock the library with a range of reading mate­r­ial for chil­dren; and our Mobile Medical Clinic, in which your dona­tion can support vital medical care for people of all ages in ten hill villages.