Mafudu, Uganda

OHFI’s work in Mafudu seeks to empower local fam­i­lies by giving them the skills and resources they need to learn sus­tain­able and suc­cess­ful farming practices.

HomeOur Part­nersMafudu, Uganda

Mafudu Land Committee

Our partner in Mafudu is the Mafudu Land Com­mit­tee. In 2009, OHFI pur­chased a ¾ acre plot of land in Mafudu to build a class­room and provide agri­cul­tural train­ing. The land is close to a road, and has good access to water. Unfor­tu­nately, we could not start the project for some time due to several local chal­lenges. However, thanks to the local com­mu­ni­ty’s per­se­ver­ance and com­mit­ment, the project began in 2022.


Twelve of the most impov­er­ished fam­i­lies, with more than forty chil­dren between them, have been selected as the first group to benefit. For the next two seasons, these fam­i­lies will be taught more resilient farming prac­tices, includ­ing an under­stand­ing of crop rota­tions. Par­tic­i­pants will also be pro­vided with seeds and tools that are robust and of good quality. After the two seasons, they will use their new knowl­edge and resources to con­tinue devel­op­ing the small plots of land they already have. Then the project will begin again with another twelve families.

Current Projects:

Classroom Build

The people of Mafudu strug­gle with a lack of food secu­rity, unem­ploy­ment, illit­er­acy, and the impact of high HIV rates. There are low numbers of healthy adults to work, and the impact of plagues, floods, droughts, and climate change means the soil quality has less­ened con­sid­er­ably. This means that many people who use tra­di­tional agri­cul­tural methods are no longer able to grow enough food to feed their fam­i­lies, and to allow for a little extra to sell.

With many chal­lenges around health, edu­ca­tion, and the quality of land and tools in Mafudu, it is crit­i­cal to provide local people with new skills for the longer term, so they can in turn empower their chil­dren with the knowl­edge they need to bring pos­i­tive change.

OHFI wants to support the com­mu­nity in build­ing a class­room and store­room. These will be used to teach agri­cul­ture courses and to store seeds and tools. The class­room will also be used to teach the train­ing modules in the care and pro­tec­tion of vul­ner­a­ble children.

Seeds and Tools

Com­mu­nity members all have a rea­son­able amount of land around their own homes which can be utilised to grow enough to provide good nutri­tion.  If fam­i­lies are to become self-suf­fi­cient, they need to have the tools to imple­ment the knowl­edge they have gained through the agri­cul­tural train­ing program.

Give to OHFI work in Uganda

Your dona­tion to OHFI’s work in Uganda is deeply appre­ci­ated. Our work spans: Mafudu Class­room Build, in which your dona­tion can help OHFI to build a class­room and store­room for seeds, tools, and train­ing; and Mafudu Seeds and Tools, in which your dona­tion can help fam­i­lies become self-sus­tain­ing through our agri­cul­tural train­ing programme.