Get involved

OHFI needs you! Our work is always a col­lab­o­ra­tion — through prayer, finances, and ‘on the ground’ vol­un­teer action. Read here about the many ways in which you can get involved in OHFI’s excit­ing work.

HomeGet involved


We welcome your faith and love in bring­ing our work with impov­er­ished and vul­ner­a­ble chil­dren to God in prayer.

Christ is the head of our organ­i­sa­tion, and it is through Him, and with the support of our prayer part­ners, that we are able to carry out his work.

Partner with us by sub­scrib­ing to our data­base to receive a prayer letter:


Your finan­cial support for OHFI makes our work pos­si­ble. We are grate­ful for every dollar, and we commit to using all dona­tions wisely. 

Here you can sign up to be a regular giver, which means that OHFI is able to plan ahead for the longer term, or you can donate to indi­vid­ual projects, which you can read about below. 


There are many ways to support our work through vol­un­teer­ing. From one-off projects to on-going rela­tion­ships, you can help improve the lives of thou­sands of the world’s most vul­ner­a­ble children.

If you are keen to vol­un­teer, please get in touch with us to talk about the best fit for your skills and experience.