Our News

Whether it be from partner projects around the world, or vol­un­teer events here in New Zealand, there is always plenty of news to share at Ohfi. Here you can read news and stories from across our organisation.

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Manipur Emergency Appeal

Manipur Emergency Appeal

Hun­dreds killed and thou­sands injured as homes, vil­lages and churches destroyed in Manipur con­flict. There is a human­i­tar­ian dis­as­ter unfold­ing in Manipur. The sit­u­a­tion is dire, and your empathy and assis­tance is des­per­ately needed. Read More

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Tui’s Super Raffle Winners

Tui’s Super Raffle Winners

Thank you to every­one who sup­ported Tui’s Super Raffle for OHFI. Con­grat­u­la­tions to the winners: Super Raffle Tahi 1. J Motu­foua – Auck­land 2. C Olsen – Welling­ton 3. M Roberts – Puke­hina 4. S East­land – Auck­land 5. P & I Delaney – Waikanae 6. J Hathaway-…

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New Tuition Centre, Durga Nagar, Kolkata

New Tuition Centre, Durga Nagar, Kolkata

OHFI works in areas that do not receive support from other charities/NGOs, or from the gov­ern­ment. One such area is the Durga Nagar com­mu­nity in the Kolkata slums Durga Nagar has approx­i­mately 100 houses with around 500 occu­pants. There is a real desire in the…

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Mafudu Community Uganda

Mafudu Community Uganda

Unfor­tu­nately, due to a number of local chal­lenges, the project could not be started. However, thanks to the per­se­ver­ance and com­mit­ment of the local com­mu­nity who have formed the Mafudu Land Com­mit­tee, and our long term partner Pastor John Williams of the Kalapata…

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Regular finan­cial support is always needed to enable OHFI’s work to con­tinue. Here you can find out the dif­fer­ent ways in which you can give. 


Prayer support is vital for OHFI’s work. Here you can read about the impor­tance of your prayers, and sign up to receive our prayer letter.


There are many ways in which you can vol­un­teer to support OHFI’s work. Find out here how your skills and expe­ri­ence can help us!